somebody loves you "beary" much!  

S&C Snuggables, Inc. is a 501c(3) IRS recognized non profit organization. Stephanie Spitz, at the age of 14, founded this organization in 2005. She has MASS phenotype of Marfan's Syndrom. This causes multiple joint dislocations, skeletal changes, and heart and lung changes. Because of her visits to numerous medical facilities, she has experienced first hand the fear and uncertainty of a disability. While hospitalized in 2005, she saw that many of the children did not receive get well gifts, so she gave hers away to other children. Stephanie felt God was leading her to brighten the smiles of hurting children but was not sure what to do until then. S&C Snuggables is the result. The purpose of S&C Snuggables is to provide a new stuffed animal to hurting children. The current recipients are the Anderson Area Medical Center's Children's Hospital and Pediatric Therapy Works, Shriner's Children's Hospital (Greenville, SC), Anderson Prosthetics and Orthotics, and MedShore Ambulance Service. S&C Snuggables accepts monetary donations as well as donations of new stuffed animals.